, Warszawa

9th International Beef Forum

Sustainable beef - high quality, animal welfare, clean environment

About the event

Key issues of the 9th International Beef Forum:

The role of the CAP and the National Strategic Plans for the CAP in the transformation of the beef industry towards a more sustainable, with included:

  •  the social role of livestock,
  •  the improvement of cattle welfare,
  •  reduction of active substances in animal treatment,
  •  reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,
  •  improved quality management.

The debate will start with a discussion on the social role of livestock. Under the pressure of social media, in the public debate in recent years we forget how important the social role of livestock production is. This part of the debate will be led by the signatories of the Dublin Declaration of Scientists Societal Role of Livestock www.dublin-declaration.org.

In the next part we will focus on trying to formulate a definition of sustainable production of beef cattle, beef livestock. The starting point for the debate will be the text of the proposal developed by COPA COGECA.

DG AGRI initiative to adopt new minimum animal welfare conditions will be the subject of the next debate.

Traditionally, one of the debates will focus on innovations in agriculture and the agricultural environment.

The last debate will discuss the role of the CAP and National Strategic Plans in transforming the beef sector towards a more sustainable one.


2023-05-02 10:20 Raport podsumowujący IX Forum Sektora Wołowiny
Szanowni Państwo, w zakładce Materiały www.beefforum.pl/materialy został udostępniony Raport podsumowujący IX Forum Sektora Wołowiny. Z poważaniemBiuro IX Forum Sektora Wołowiny
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